We had a 'good bye' for the Youngbers and a welcome for the new teachers at the Learning Garden. They cooked barbecue chicken and various other dishes. We were among those who were invited to eat first. The ladies danced and then gave us all another garland for our heads. They have very pretty voices. Brother Tune played the guitar and Bouri played the ukulele.
We moved into our new house on the 22 of March. We now have hot water on sunny days. It is a solar water heater.
Our office is to be built someday. We will see how long it takes. We tried to use the microwave and couldn't figure it out. Hopefully we didn't break it. We now have a new one from the mission. So far we haven't seen any visitors, like critters, bugs or rats. I did see a rat in the home economics room at the school one night. I hope they stay away.
Your kitchen looks just like ours. We love your art work.