Friday, November 28, 2014


Are not finale
But beginnings again
As adventure draws to a close

Preparations where made, students practiced singing and marching, talks where given, a feast was prepared and eaten then dancing went on late into the evening.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Little Rain. A Little food. A Little Wood

Sometimes it rains
Pouring down from above
Reflections of good things to come

The Service Center employee people to take care of the grounds, purchase airline tickets, and keep the wards and school going.  They hosts important Church dignitaries.
The senior missionaries get together and whenever they do they EAT. 
And they get together quite often.  At Zone Conference the Senior Missionaries prepare the meals for the younger missionaries and listen in on the meetings.  The AP's do a great job conducting, and presenting the lesson.  
Elder Bogh showed Banririe (Vice Principal) how to do segmented wood turning. 
Shown below are some of his first projects. Now Banririe has to teach some of the students.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Halloween and Christmas Pagent

On Halloween
Shepherds came with Angels
very strange mix of Holidays

Once in a while the tide is extra high. Below are kids playing. They are daring the ocean to try and get them wet. This takes place outside our back door.
 School is winding down. Below is Teacher Appreciation day put on by the students. There was singing and dancing. Of course there was food. There is always food.

The students are going to leave and go home for the 'summer" or "winter" or whatever... so two days before Halloween, the music department dressed up in costumes and presented their Christmas Program. Mary and Joseph were in attendance as well as the wise men, shepherds and angels singing. The manger is the big shell with a red rose in it. Baby Jesus was a stuffed doll or bear wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Water, Water everywhere but not a drop to drink. So we drink in the beauty.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Contrast on Tarawa

Glowing Sunsets
and damaged packages
Masked men and electrical fires
strange place

The person shown below looked like a bandit and stopped us...
but he was only working with the road crew.
 The two packages shown below are examples of what happens to some of the mail that is sent here.
The two sunsets shown below are examples of what happens to some of the skies that are here.
 Below is the main electrical cable that comes into the campus here at Moroni. It was just laying on the ground, crossing the driveway for about a week.  Two wooden boards were placed on each side of the cable so that cars could drive over it. The truck shown below weighed so much that the boards and cable was crushed. Sparks flew like fireworks and smoke and flames entertained the staff and students at the school.  For some reason the power went off.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Around the Lagoon

Water rising
and evenings fading light
A quiet peaceful place to be

Above: New Missionaries Elder and Sister Sumner (ITEP), Sister Aldredge (The Nurse). Also shown is Dan (The Translator), who is from Church headquarters working on updating the translation of the Standard Works in Kiribati, and President and Sister Weir, Sister Wall, and Sister Bogh.

 Sister Aldridge and Sister Bogh with Mawaruru at a cooking demonstration for the Young Men of Bikenibeu Ward. They made cookies and cake.

Elder Bogh has been goofing around in the shop. He made a sword for the Moroni Warriors and has been helping Banririe (the vice principal) and some of the students learn to make segmented wood turnings.

 Of course we are still having parties and eating. Below is shown Teacher Appreciation Night.  The students brought food, sang, and danced for the teachers.