Friday, May 29, 2015

Ribbons of Coral and Lava

on yesterday
and look to the future
things we have seen, things we have done

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Special Days

Days and People
Make for a better place
The food and games are not what counts

Special Days

The green color on the tables represents life.  The ladder we must climb together.

We began as two                                                As we look to heaven above
But joined and united in love                             We travel the rocky road with Love
Thee lift me and I lift thee                                  Thee lift me and I lift Thee
And we'll ascend together                                   And we'll ascend together

The medallion represents putting on the whole armor of God.
On the second day we met at the park and games of volley ball, musical chairs, a version of baseball, sack races and badminton were played.  Even  a little karaoke was enjoyed.
Looking out the door at the Bairiki Chapel
 And watching the sunset together.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sea Shells and Footprints

Sea Shells
And holes in sand
birds were here also the dog
People walking the sunset beach

 Below the tide is out, as birds walk the shoreline.
Left is an electrical cable that powers the Moroni Campus. They may have a problem when they try to bury it. But then again the road is coming and everything will be dug up anyway.

The last of the Coconut trees that lined the road outside the Moroni Campus have been removed, as they give way to the new road that is creeping across the island.

Building small houses in the shop.
               Finishing up the chicken apartment complex by the agriculture students. Still no chickens.
Clothing and Fashion Design

Friday, May 8, 2015

38th Birthday Celebration

many preparations
of building, dancing, song and food

Weaving and building and cooking all through the day and late into the night. Preparations were made to celebrate the 38 year anniversary for Moroni High School.

Dances and songs were presented as well as cultural displays of various Islands in Kiribati.

There were displays of foods from the various Islands.
The six islands represented were Kuria, Maiana, Tamana, Arorae, Nikunau and Butarutari.