Thursday, June 25, 2015

TVET Dinner

Misty colors
arching across the sky
the sun breaks through the rainy clouds

 Faculty and Service Center Competition
 Dinner with TVET Administrators and Faculty.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tour of a US Navy Ship

On Tarawa
the Millinocket came
with Humanitarian Aid
and Hope

 It was fun touring a U.S. military ship.  This ship brings aid to countries and has military personnel from the Navy, Marines, and Air Force.  We think they volunteer for this service.  They spent around three weeks helping people with dental and eye clinics as well as neutering dogs and a variety of other services, including a Jazz Band that visited the Moroni Campus and put on a Concert for the students.  Return Missionaries volunteered to translate for them.  We noticed a couple of crates that were labeled Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

 Other ships were also in the harbor.  A few didn't look like they would last too long.  The U.S. Millinocket is a double hull which allows you to see underneath the center of it. It is entirely made out of Aluminum and there is no rust to be found on it unlike other boats around it.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Kiribati Dance Festivals

with heart and soul
Cultural roots of joy
abide in those who dance and watch

Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were is attendance and also participants in the Dance Festival.

Crab Dreams after movie "Third Stone from the Sun" and "Twelve Gifts of Birth" by Charlene Costanza